Tonight i saw for the very first time : The Interpreter by Sydney Pollack with Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn.
1. i loved that Nicole Kidman doesn't look like 'Nicole Kidman' in this movie. I like her character a lot and i like how she performs. I've not seen all NK's movies but quite a few with her and i can say that i have never seen her in a role like this one. And i like it. She and Sean Penn are very good in this movie.
2. what i loved the most in this movie are probably the silences. There's not a lot of music in it. The most important scenes are mostly quiet. i loved it. and NC and SP's acting fit perfectly with the silence. It's not a 'speedy' movie even if we could have thought it would be because of the subject it deals with. But no. One day someone said that the most important part of music are silences. i agreed. and think it's the same in movies.
Quote from the film :
"The clamor of the weapons keeps you from hearing it, but human’s voice is different than the other sounds. You can hear it in spite of everything else, even if it’s not shouting, even when it’s just a whisper, the smallest whisper of men in the middle of armies, because it says the truth."
Playlist of the day :
The Journey/Kopano Part III - Hans Zimmer
Rona ma Africa
Ratang ka kopano
Batho ba Africa
Ma Africa
Eya batheo beso
Oh, ngothando
Batho ba mme
Bana ba mme
Ka kopano
Ahh tlare thusaneng
Nanana Nanana
Theta baba
Ma Africa
Lifikil' ixesha
Bana ba mme
Aiye bo
Ka kopano
Nana Nana
Sizonqoba Ma Africa
Sul' inyembezi
Batho beso
Fikil' ixesha
Bana ba mme
Sizo phumelela
Bana ba ntate
Ka khotso
Ka khotso